Adamaoua Regional Hospital de Ngaoundere

CamerounAdamaoua Regional Hospital



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
8H8M+4VR, Ngaoundere, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 73 88 53 23
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 7.3153562, Longitude: 13.5846493

commentaires 5

  • Picsou Periclex Fosso

    Picsou Periclex Fosso


    Hospital with a large space offering several services in health care, general medicine, surgery, pediatrics, maternity, gynecology, 24-hour emergency department, etc. There is a nursing training school there. A morgue and places of worship of several denominations. Outside there is the possibility of treating yourself to meals on site and purchasing other types of accessories. Kindly improve reception services and hospital rooms; mosquitoes can kill patients at night.

  • DD Daniel

    DD Daniel


    A large hospital it is true but it does not have working tools, unwelcoming staff, if you go there to get treatment maybe your life will be taken away so your best to go elsewhere

  • Ticha KLyn

    Ticha KLyn


    Good customer service and welcoming environment

  • Landry Banimb

    Landry Banimb


    The nursing staff are relatively welcoming and qualified.

  • Elvis Delor Haman Bring

    Elvis Delor Haman Bring


    It's nice to be there

Hôpital la plus proche

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