Aquarius Marina 2000 de Douala

CamerounAquarius Marina 2000



🕗 horaire

2P42+GC4, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 77 70 68 33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0062732, Longitude: 9.7010736

commentaires 5

  • Rachel TONYA

    Rachel TONYA


    The service was poor, but the food was delicious ☺️

  • Haifa Abdoul Aziz

    Haifa Abdoul Aziz


    It was cool but quite expensive. The prices are higher than expected. But still I loved the food quality and their environment.

  • Jurgen Jakam

    Jurgen Jakam


    The place to visit if you want fresh seafood grilled to the point with the best local spices. I enjoyed every bit of my last visit here. The location, the view, the staff, etc. All is there to offer a great experience for each of your visit. I will definitely stop by on my next visit.




    It's a beautiful hide out with a sea view. Way out of town so might be difficult to catch a cab down here but if you got a ride then great! Good cuisine, kids play ground and good space for group activities. Be careful with kids around the beach restaurant. You can lose your child to the water!

  • Mohammed Sahily

    Mohammed Sahily


    A quite lovely place with welcoming people, it has a big zone for kids with various games, the restaurant is nice with amazing views!

Restaurant la plus proche

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