Bambou lounge de Bafoussam

CamerounBambou lounge


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

FCQ6+89W, Bafoussam, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4883676, Longitude: 10.4109546

commentaires 5

  • Mirabel Yensi

    Mirabel Yensi


    Unfortunately the place is no longer existent. The site was demolished and a new business now operates there.

  • loic tatsinkou

    loic tatsinkou



  • Christian Nzogang

    Christian Nzogang


    Very large center of pleasure, entertainment and glamor (Snack-Bar-Party room

  • Dieubéni WAFO

    Dieubéni WAFO


    Nice... Now we have to get there

  • Guy Joel

    Guy Joel


    Nice place for relaxing after work, but there is still a need to improve some few things to make the experience more enjoyable.

Restaurant la plus proche

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