Bokwe's Chill Restaurant de Buea

CamerounBokwe's Chill Restaurant



🕗 horaire

Unnamed Road, Buea, Fako, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.1546855, Longitude: 9.2612168

commentaires 5

  • Michael Fuh Ngaling (Ngwaliling)

    Michael Fuh Ngaling (Ngwaliling)


    BOKWE'S CHILL RESTAURANT is a garden of beauty and hospitality, with standards infrastructure . These Paradise offers menus such , as African, European, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, food . These leasure site attract lots of customers , as their kind of quality taste set ones appetit jumping.They offer vegetarian as well. The environment is condusive , secured ,for families every vistor's. These Bokwes Chill restaurant ,has a wide parking lodge, with beautiful flowers . The site is can be use to organize occasions, like birthday parties, graduation, anniversaries. This vecinity is give customers the appetite ,quality taste in town, as you will enjoy fried rice chicken, poulet DG, roasted bar 🐠🐟 fish etc, etc. Dive into this leasure hub to admire all the splendid leasure it offers. By Mike F. Ngaling.

  • arrey Ojong

    arrey Ojong


    Quality food with a difference. Try out the snails in tomato sauce and you won't regret it. It is mouth watering with lots of taste and flavour

  • Bodas Djoumessi

    Bodas Djoumessi


    Simple restaurant, good food but customer service not so inspiring!

  • Tabi Rawlings Agbor

    Tabi Rawlings Agbor


    Cozy spot with very good & tasty African dishes! And it isn't quiet expensive!

  • Boevi Abdul karim Bodylawson

    Boevi Abdul karim Bodylawson


    Food is ok.Very good costumer service. This place is not very private.

Restaurant la plus proche

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