Chapelle Obili de Yaounde

CamerounChapelle Obili


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Yaounde, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 95 30 16 74
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.850508, Longitude: 11.493609

commentaires 5

  • Marian Biami

    Marian Biami


    One of the best Chapelle in Bayemassi. Clean environment, spacious,accessible even for people with wheelchairs and a place reserved for aged people so that they can always be comfortable. Very good hospitality too.

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    Amah Frank Eric


    Wow I always eat good food

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    Kansas Edwin


    The place is good, pharmacy and a hotel around the place.

  • Nkwete Y. Fuka

    Nkwete Y. Fuka


    Very calm during the day and festive at nights. Lots of pubs, roasted beef, chicken and fish. Music booming from big bars a round. There's also a Catholic chapel around where Christians fellowship. #NYF

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    Tannform Samuel


    The location isn't specific and it is difficult to use

Église la plus proche

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