Deo Gratias de Yaundé

CamerounDeo Gratias


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Yaundé, Camerún
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.8989363, Longitude: 11.4903688

commentaires 5

  • Alice Amanejeu

    Alice Amanejeu


    Ce lieu offre une excellente vue

  • Tonya Michaella

    Tonya Michaella



  • Serge Eden

    Serge Eden


    Deo Gratias is situated in the heart of the Bangkolo mountain .the place is very nice and quiet but need new ideas and management... the service is very very poor... the personal is very disrespectful towards the a sense that one of the cleaning lady took our washing but brought it wet and lied that it was raining that why ... And even had the audacity to ask me how much we paid for our accommodation...I told her that it has nothing to do with her . The place doesn't serve food or dinner but however on request the can arrange something but be careful your meal at noon will coast you more that breakfast...

  • en

    Toby Rodriguez



  • jacques patchakui

    jacques patchakui



Lodging la plus proche

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