DHL Aéroport de Douala

CamerounDHL Aéroport



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Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0101662, Longitude: 9.7226721

commentaires 5

  • Kum Amuam

    Kum Amuam


    Not satisfied with the way the system works. It's very annoying. It took me 3 days to finally recover my package and the receipt for the payment. Waited about 5 hours for the computer to regain its memory because the platform of which the receipt was to be printed out wasn't booting up at all,and was asked to wait several times. So I had to create a humble and friendly scenario so things could work out for me. In a nutshell,the system is quite slow,that is from the customs office to the DHL office

  • Roddy Bahin

    Roddy Bahin


    DP DHL the number one at Global Level

  • Joseph ulrich Omgba

    Joseph ulrich Omgba


    Very spacious and pleasant accessible to all

  • Azong N. Serge Aleman

    Azong N. Serge Aleman


    Not satisfied with the service.

  • Fatma Ndoye

    Fatma Ndoye


    A computer dating from Pierre's age (see beyond), which shuts down every time there is a power outage and takes around 1 hour to restart (I'm not even exaggerating a little😖). This is the worst experience of recovering a package that I have ever had!!! Never seen!!! I didn't even talk about the 2 hours spent at the customs duties payment counter because the system had crashed!!!! 🙆🏾‍♀️ And you think someone would have had a solution to serve us quickly? Never!!!! The head of department walked past all these beautiful people waiting and made a stupid joke!!! Giving one star for such poor quality service is huge!!! Pfff

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