Ets Delice Cuisine Restaurant de Bafoussam

CamerounEts Delice Cuisine Restaurant



🕗 horaire

carrefour Madelon, Bafoussam, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 87 28 35 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4638573, Longitude: 10.423124

commentaires 5

  • Karen Sunjo

    Karen Sunjo


    Great service 👌🏾 You should try it out if you haven’t done that yet

  • Ebude Serita

    Ebude Serita


    They prepare the Best Meals I've ever eaten, especially their cameroonian traditional dishes. They have very welcoming personnels The environnement is clean and calm

  • Van Russel93

    Van Russel93


    A cool and peacefully environment with full customer satisfaction. Take away available

  • Sipa Noella

    Sipa Noella


    Food delivery gets by on time..I like the fact that I can order food without displacing myself

  • Marah Mbine Ngole Epie

    Marah Mbine Ngole Epie


    Cosy, relaxing, impeccable environment! Secure in a fence, I really like.

Restaurant la plus proche

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