Fomo 92 de Kumbo

CamerounFomo 92


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6M5R+FCM, Kumbo, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 6.2087075, Longitude: 10.6910577

commentaires 5

  • Gerald Kiku

    Gerald Kiku


    For travellers, visitors and residents, there is general consensus that this is the best hotel in Kumbo. It has always been relatively good from its inception. Although the standards are still in the low end internationally, you will not be disappointed if you make a stop at this location simply because there is none that is better around!

  • Christian Dinyuydzee Ngoran

    Christian Dinyuydzee Ngoran


    Bach eve

  • Raphael mbianda

    Raphael mbianda


    Good food

  • Ben Ambe

    Ben Ambe


    Please post a telephone number so that your business can be contacted

  • Cyprain Lionel Junior Fofuh-fru

    Cyprain Lionel Junior Fofuh-fru


    This is the most modern and comfortable hotel in Kumbo. They have a polite staff and very clean Restaurant. Their dishes are exquisite,especially their signature Jellof rice.They are successful in the hospitality industry because they are sure of their environment, proud of their prices and always provide the best customer service to keep customers happy and coming back. Our services and accommodation are always steps ahead of the price.

Lodging la plus proche

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