Hotel Ebolwa de Ebolowa

CamerounHotel Ebolwa


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W4PH+5GJ, Ebolowa, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9354729, Longitude: 11.1287804

commentaires 5

  • Leon Bataka

    Leon Bataka



  • Jean Joseph Mengue

    Jean Joseph Mengue


    The photo that you present here as the Ebolowa hotel rather corresponds to the Cathedral of Sts Anne and Joachim d'Abang. On the other hand, in the same place, the Diocese of Ebolowa also has accommodation rooms nearby, which would correspond much more to a motel or something of that sort, but with the calm and tranquility that can be found at within a religious institution.

  • Ndam Ibraï

    Ndam Ibraï


    this place is not a hotel it is a diocese

  • marie suzanne moni moungui

    marie suzanne moni moungui


    It's an experience of discovering a new life

  • Beh Beh Louis Arnaud

    Beh Beh Louis Arnaud


    Quiet and pleasant to rest

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