Hotel Sun City de Bertoua

CamerounHotel Sun City


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HMMP+J26, Bertoua, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 2 43 56 48 19
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.5840296, Longitude: 13.6850245

commentaires 5

  • Dumitru Cocos

    Dumitru Cocos


    I stayed one night on my journey to Douala. It really is a good hotel. Clean room. Good food. Friendly hotel staff. It was a good choice for the company to offer us acomodation in this hotel.

  • katleen felix

    katleen felix


    Rooms are clean and comfortable. Hot water failled for my colleagues.

  • The New Army

    The New Army


    One of the best in Bertoua. Recommendable in relative terms, especially as I'm yet to find something of a better standard in the Eastern regional capital.

  • Forchu Princewill

    Forchu Princewill


    The rooms are super fine and the beds are soft. Plss include a swimming pool to cool out a stressful day. Thanks US embassy Yaoundé

  • Adrienne LEHNE MBARGA

    Adrienne LEHNE MBARGA


    Nice and very clean. Hot and cold water. Modern installations. Generator function that is the first need in Bertoua city where there is a lot of electricity cutt. The hotel is secure with cameras and parking. Beds are more comfortable than what is offered in others hotel with same prices.

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