Makepe Palace de Douala

CamerounMakepe Palace


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🕗 horaire

Makepe Rhône Poulenc, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 97 14 80 32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0850825, Longitude: 9.7557032

commentaires 5

  • Loic Mbakop

    Loic Mbakop


    Great place with very good service

  • Otte Brandon

    Otte Brandon


    It was so beautiful wishing to be there again.

  • Jam Stanley

    Jam Stanley


    Nice and cool place to relax Well located good customer service fast and welcoming, located just at the road side, it also have a good parking space with tight and heavy security, it’s worth giving a try if you wanna hangout with some friends or get a chill around makepe awesome awesome, large and good rooms, good drinks and food

  • Subiru Madina Officiel

    Subiru Madina Officiel


    I spent a night in one of the rooms in this hotel and I bet you its a calm place to be. Moreover, I had a wedding organized in one of their halls, very spacious, good meals and all you can expect for such an event.

  • Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh

    Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh


    one of the best a d affordable hotels in a hotel saturated area. located in tge heart of the area, easily accesible to hotel searchers. a hotel named after its quarter making it easily known by all and there is no tendency of you gettung lost . hotel offers a good road view a pool a gym and soo many other aminities.

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