Mbifano Hotel de Nkongsamba

CamerounMbifano Hotel


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XW2M+284, Nkongsamba, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.95, Longitude: 9.933333

commentaires 4

  • Mohamet Bassirou

    Mohamet Bassirou


    The hotel is located on the edge of the main road which leads to the town of BARE BAKEM. The setting is very clean with very courteous and respectful reception staff. The room I occupied was certainly small but very clean. The TV didn't work, but with the curiosity of an engineer I put it back on. The hotel has a restaurant whose dishes I have not tried. I advise those who stay in Nkongsamba to go there and enjoy the calm and serenity in this small hotel.

  • daniel fankoua

    daniel fankoua



  • Reza Samba

    Reza Samba


    Not bad

  • Alvarez Lactouo

    Alvarez Lactouo


    Very welcoming

Lodging la plus proche

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