Micotel Hotel de Edea

CamerounMicotel Hotel


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🕗 horaire

BP: 235, Edea, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 51 85 34 81
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.7877472, Longitude: 10.1456544

commentaires 5

  • Martin Vrbka

    Martin Vrbka


    The room does not correspond to the photos, in the photos it is a beautiful clean hotel, in reality the rooms are moldy, smelly, musty and dirty with urine, the lights are not on, the service is terrible. tragedy no wi-fi there is no wi-fi at all, the worst thing I ever met, dirt, urine, stench, close the hotel. I immediately checked out and found another hotel. I request a refund of the reservation payment on your site!!!

  • mesmin jouonang

    mesmin jouonang


    Only the road which is bad, but once you arrive and enter, you are like in a different town 😀

  • Elie Smith

    Elie Smith


    The service is fairly good,but the building poorly maintained. There is no Internet and staff don't speak English.

  • Tebong Fon

    Tebong Fon


    Calm cozy hotel with welcoming personnel. Good restaurant and conference room




    Nice, clean and affordable. I enjoyed lunch.

Lodging la plus proche

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