Nkwen Health Center de Bamenda

CamerounNkwen Health Center



🕗 horaire

X5VQ+7CM, Bamenda, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.9932222, Longitude: 10.188537

commentaires 5

  • Hassan mbeh

    Hassan mbeh


    The hospital it equipped with some medical equipments and a good number of nurses but still without a doctor, that's the one setback of this health unit.

  • break your limits today not tomorrow

    break your limits today not tomorrow


    Poor management of patients health very poor hygienic conditions there's no unity among staff a few times I've been there there's a lot of gossip and disunity and inability to manage minor health issues all the time when they're tired they refer they don't even make an attempt please work on that thank you

  • BiG Ω KinG

    BiG Ω KinG


    Nkwen Health Centre is so cool, calm and quiet place which is good atmosphere for patients. Well, the health personnels are hospitable and so gently in handling clients. Make it when you need health aides... #237bigking: Be my King as I am your KinG...




    Very accessible

  • Romaric Tume

    Romaric Tume


    I could do with more renovation

Hôpital la plus proche

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