Restaurant Chez Fadil - Kribi de Kribi

CamerounRestaurant Chez Fadil - Kribi



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WWW9+772, Kribi, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 58 13 18
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9456454, Longitude: 9.9181524

commentaires 5

  • Don Duke

    Don Duke


    Nice restaurant. Just along the road. Love the Senegalese rice. Gets ready in just a few.

  • Tetu Lewis

    Tetu Lewis


    Good place. Service is on time. Just for the fact that menu is of little variety and less of african dishes . More of grilled meals

  • Derick Nganyu T.

    Derick Nganyu T.


    Senegalese restaurant. Simple place. The cost of the food is relatively cheaper wheb compared to other places in Kribi. The food is however delicious. Service is also very fast.

  • Abanda Alphonse

    Abanda Alphonse


    They cook nice food and very well coming

  • Tatianna Nkofo

    Tatianna Nkofo


    I think its called La Fourchette now and you definitely want to visit there. Their food is so yummy. 😍😍😍

Restaurant la plus proche

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