Restaurant Le Verger Ngaoundere de Ngaoundéré

CamerounRestaurant Le Verger Ngaoundere



🕗 horaire

Centre commercial en face maison orange Non loin de, making textile, Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 44 64 19
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 7.3237405, Longitude: 13.57361

commentaires 5

  • Annick Abessolo

    Annick Abessolo


    The service is average, you have to be patient during busy times. The food is good and the natural drinks too. I recommend for people with average budgets.

  • nasy alvi

    nasy alvi



  • Samuel NTYENE EVA

    Samuel NTYENE EVA


    Every time I hear about Restaurant Le Verger it makes me nostalgic. In fact, I went there for a romantic dinner once. The food was just perfect. The dish is in exquisite condition, the setting discreet and chic. I recommend Restaurant Le Verger to all lovers of good cuisine and refinement. This restaurant also provides catering and decoration. Take a look, you will come back for satisfaction😊.

  • CHOUNGOU Bertin

    CHOUNGOU Bertin



  • Tobechukwu Alexander Okeke

    Tobechukwu Alexander Okeke


    Fun and quiet dining. Beat my expectations too.

Restaurant la plus proche

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