Saddle Hill Ranch and Resort de Bamenda

CamerounSaddle Hill Ranch and Resort


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3525+P77 Aba'angoh Bafut, Bamenda, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 73 47 99 54
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 6.0517797, Longitude: 10.1581693

commentaires 5

  • Joakim Söder

    Joakim Söder


    Beautiful hotel with a beautiful view over the hills surrounding the area. Good facilities and activities offered. Probably one of the more costly options around, but also one of the nicer ones.

  • emma Tusfair

    emma Tusfair


    Nice infrastructure, good furnitures,nice atmosphere, good site but poor staffing, bad road.i was there for almost an hour but no one cared to ask what i was there for,even to offer me a drink or food,it needs to reshuffle its staff .

  • nasser pepouna

    nasser pepouna


    A nice initiative, affordable, isolated from noise with a responsive customer service. Nevertheless, the resort is far less than advertised & expected. For a so acclaimed place, the food is poor added to the limited menu and long waiting time. You don't get what you pay for; no working quad bike, WiFi non functional, and when it does its barely 2G. Sanitary conditions not the best, broken shower, bad floor boards, just to name a few. This place needs to be refurbished.

  • Julian Kruger

    Julian Kruger


    Arguably the worst place I have had the displeasure of staying at. 1. The website paints a picture of luxury, but the reality is far removed. The rooms are cramped, the bathroom (read shower), even more so. The private balcony is not so private and is not even a balcony 2. The place is I dire need of maintenance, from the mismatched wallpaper patterns, to the warping floor boards 3. Cleanliness is obviously not a priority, with the dust laying thick on the floors, furniture and bedding 4. The television had no signal and neither did the free wifi work 5. Ordering food is a mission and the quality sub standard. Ordered a steak for dinner and was told there is only chicken and fish available. Ordered a full breakfast and was told only plain omelet is on offer 6. A big wedding was planned for Saturday, with workers busy constructing the bar and sprucing up the place, causing quite a racket. Not the tranquil environment promised The stand in manager (stand in because the manager was not even on site), was impressed that the website moved us to make a booking, forgetting that what you promise, is what you need to deliver, if you are to succeed. Suggest you give this place a BIG miss

  • Mathias Ndefru Asongwe Fon

    Mathias Ndefru Asongwe Fon


    Sadle Range remains an ideal investment , natural in all form and should serve as a take home message for all young persons in the daispora that they don't miss the chance of developing back home here as the Konnes have done Africa is bueatiful to develop and can look as Europe and America men, Do it now... Don't wait to be told .Meanwhile congratulations to these family , Bafut is a place to be .

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