The grill & Garden de Douala

CamerounThe grill & Garden



🕗 horaire

36451, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 93 69 03 87
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0044504, Longitude: 9.81032

commentaires 5

  • Gisèle Elanga

    Gisèle Elanga


    Top top

  • Lorraine Shu

    Lorraine Shu


    I had an awesome time there. I went for a friend's Birthday surprise. The grill is delicious, most especially their fried rice. I don't know about the prices a lot, so I took a picture of the menu. If you have been there already, or you are planning to go, share your experience with me please. To conclude, when going here without a car it might be a little stressful, so just follow google maps. ❤

  • kevin mbida

    kevin mbida


    The place is really nice, confortable & cosy. Pretty quiet and airy. A place worth spending time with friends and family. No unnecessary noise . A place worth visiting

  • Timchia Fritz NJINGO

    Timchia Fritz NJINGO


    Cool.... Good food Good feeling Great and affordable place to relax

  • Cilia N.

    Cilia N.


    The food!! Really great. It’s a very quiet and cozy place to enjoy the evening. The music is not loud. It’s great for a romantic evening, a family or friends hangout. It’s airy and cool. Love it

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