Banque Atlantique Akwa de Douala

CamerounBanque Atlantique Akwa



🕗 horaire

3M2W+JHQ, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 2 33 42 10 66
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0515962, Longitude: 9.6964722

commentaires 5

  • Gregory Goufan A Zock

    Gregory Goufan A Zock


    Not cowded by this time

  • Astadjam Alhassan

    Astadjam Alhassan


    Very good customer service

  • Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh

    Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh


    A very good bank , made of bilingual workers who are readybto attend to clients needs Always smiling despite the hard times they go through as the servers of the public , they definitely have to deal with the mood of every client who comes in there. I love the bank because of its series of services which they offer . A variety type of accounts A ready fron desk for all your worries A variety type of cards Two always filled ATM ready to serve you your daily withdrawals.

  • Elvis Ghomsi

    Elvis Ghomsi


    Very slow and bad customer service

  • Njountou Assananou

    Njountou Assananou


    My key of activation is c9wmRvtk

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