Bicec Bank de Bafoussam

CamerounBicec Bank



🕗 horaire

FCF9+WVC, Bafoussam, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4748198, Longitude: 10.4196471

commentaires 5




    Accessibility to this establishment is for everyone who wants to enter and take it.

  • Roosvelt Ngoumela

    Roosvelt Ngoumela


    Poor customer management, non-compliance with working hours

  • elvis briand DJOSSEU SEUKEP

    elvis briand DJOSSEU SEUKEP


    New buyer but old habits perhaps even more neglectful of the customers themselves. Hmmm. The customer is king everywhere except...

  • Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh

    Blaise Blaizo Mengnjoh


    Very old bank The bank for the retired, you will always find a cue at fhe atm when its month end because they come to get their pension. They should be something done for that, seeing old people who have served us when it was their time stand on long lines for hours just to get funds is really heartbreaking.

  • Elie Noubi

    Elie Noubi


    This establishment has good experience in the field but customer comfort remains poor. A single agency for the town of Bafoussam and its surroundings is not enough, hence the long queue which is observed during the hot period at the end of the month.

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