Buffet La Passion i Bafoussam

CamerounBuffet La Passion



🕗 åbningstider

derriere talotel, Bafoussam, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 5.4770909, Longitude: 10.4157944

kommentar 5

  • Rudolf Fondeh

    Rudolf Fondeh


    Nice and clean environment. Food was just warm and excellent customer service. Food worth the money.

  • Romeo Delamar

    Romeo Delamar


    The buffet is quite good and so is the price but it must be kept at a warm enough temperature to avoid eating cold meals. Otherwise it's a good place for meetings with friends, colleagues and more.

  • ONDOUA Achille

    ONDOUA Achille


    Value for money for a fairly diverse and appetizing buffet. I recommend!

  • Jordan Software

    Jordan Software


    Clean, Welcoming, The meals are delicious. I would have given it 5 stars if they had an alternative in the event of a power outage. I was there yesterday for a reception and it was really a shame that after a power cut we all found ourselves in the dark

  • Thierry Eyada

    Thierry Eyada


    Buffet at 2500 f CFA, beer/juice at 1000 f CFA, very well cooked dish (and by a man), several varieties (fish, meat, chicken, taro...), what more could you ask for!!!

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