FERE HOTEL de Nkongsamba



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Pastorale, Nkongsamba, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.96104, Longitude: 9.944255

commentaires 5

  • Lauriane Simeu

    Lauriane Simeu


    Very clean place, the VIP rooms are well appointed with a lounge with furniture, the staff is polite, the kitchen is well done 👍 the restaurant has many varieties of drinks, ideal place to rest, to organize a wedding, 💒💍, a any ceremony, the fact that it is far from the road is a major advantage because far from the noise I stayed there for a few days."""I highly recommend this place""""

  • Nakadasqui Doria

    Nakadasqui Doria


    He needs to improve their hotel




    I was disappointed that when I arrived at FERE hotel and afterwards I remembered an old site of my grandfather (the most beautiful family can only offer what it and these are the old pots that make the best soup in the world. As if to say these don't pass that it is old that the maintenance of the hotel will no longer be done, that the new owners take their responsibility please.

  • Ata Skipapo

    Ata Skipapo


    My morning gym sessions were amazing #love #fit #Bless

  • Nadine Tchepannou

    Nadine Tchepannou


    I didn’t stay in that hotel. My father did the decor is really nice. The rooms are ok.

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