Goodies Centre , Douala i Douala

CamerounGoodies Centre , Douala



🕗 åbningstider

Avenue du General de Gaulle, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 50 50 50 93
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.0210233, Longitude: 9.6997895

kommentar 5

  • Vincent Sylvain TOUKAM

    Vincent Sylvain TOUKAM


    Nice to see and experience

  • L T

    L T


    I stopped here unexpectedly and discovered this wonderful place 😍 full of delicious natural fruits flavoured 🍨🍦 and also the very helpful and friendly Alison at the service.

  • Danielle Fabiolah

    Danielle Fabiolah


    It’s Like a mini mall 🤣 oh and I love the new ice cream parlor setting ,just that I think they can do better with the ice cream quality

  • Morel El Francel

    Morel El Francel


    Here for an ice cream with the lady. Extremely rude and indifferent personnel towards the clients. The waitresses were asked to take the command and appeared not to want to. When a waitress finally came, she barely listened to us and displayed incivility. So we left for Maison H. It's unfortunate, the place is nice.

  • Priyanshu Sharan

    Priyanshu Sharan


    If you are looking to purchase house stuff it's fine.. When you are in its restaurant and specially when you are "vegetarian". I recommend go and purchase fruits from street and eat but don't trust these guys on food. They will sell you food with beef and say this does not contain any kind of meat, it's pure veg. *********

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