Hilton Yaounde i Yaoundé

CamerounHilton Yaounde


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Boulevard du 20 mai, Yaoundé, Lekié, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 22 23 36 46
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 3.8643984, Longitude: 11.5159625

kommentar 5

  • Ngouambe Nestor

    Ngouambe Nestor


    Like most hilton hotel in africa, this 5 stars hotel is verybeautifful, locate at the centre town of Yaounde. The panoranic views gi e you an overwiew of yaounde the caputal city. All kind of dishes are found there. The suite are royal with o e of the best confort.

  • Rodgers Rodriguez

    Rodgers Rodriguez


    World class accommodation. Beautiful view of the city in the night save for the large AC unit that is hummuing a few floors down bit is effectively cut out when the doors are closed.

  • armel freddy kong

    armel freddy kong


    A nice place for a night ! One of the best, if not the best hotel in Cameroon.

  • en



    VIP standard five star hotel, President suites, rooms, currency exchange, shopping centre, car park, car rental facilities, airport pickup, VIP restaurant, conference rooms

  • Itumeleng Tummi Gololo

    Itumeleng Tummi Gololo


    The hotel is very classy. The staff seemed nice although I did not interact much with them. Breakfast was nice. Variey to choose from. There isnt much of a view. There's a gym and its very tidy and quite for one to enjoy a workout. On my day of visit though there was a big women's day event occurring nearby and high profile people where all over. The hotel was too busy for my liking and the presence of the army and police made one a bit uncomfortable.

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