Hôtel Adys de Dschang

CamerounHôtel Adys


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Dschang, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 96 25 29 79
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4457518, Longitude: 10.062541

commentaires 5

  • Lionel Nges

    Lionel Nges


    Clean quite and cozy. Cool place

  • Vianney Forewah

    Vianney Forewah


    Excellent service 👏

  • Rhoel Dinglasan

    Rhoel Dinglasan


    I have stayed at Adys three times, with each stay becoming progressively worse. From overcharging for a meager breakfast (Yaounde prices in Dschang, really?) to a poor at best to non-existent wifi, to a tempermental hot shower, and single setting AC (16 C!) to non-soundproof windows (next to a nightclub no less), and a less than welcoming or smiling staff (there a few exceptions obviously). In the US, Super 8 motels do better. I wish there was another choice in Dschang for a business hotel. Sigh.

  • Pat O

    Pat O


    Clean hotel with all the amenities expected from a 3-star hotel and even more. The staff is polite and helpful. The buffet breakfast has variety though a bit pricy for the city (6500F). Kudos for the environment as they do not change the sheets everyday unless on request.

  • defa danny

    defa danny


    We would encourage management to redress the following :1 Security fence, 2, swimming pool, 3, sporting arena, 4, acceptance of visa cards , The price given is too high with no breakfast included . I loved the cleanliness of the place and rooms . Good customer service.

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