HOTEL La Tour d'Argent de Garoua

CamerounHOTEL La Tour d'Argent


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89FV+29R, Garoua, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 93 88 69
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 9.322602, Longitude: 13.393389

commentaires 5

  • Richard Mbah

    Richard Mbah


    The sound quality of the night club is good, especially over the weekends

  • Valdo



    Very beautiful setting. The kitchen is good. The rooms are clean and the hot shower with bathtub is spotless. I recommend taking a trip there, to experience one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Garoua.

  • Ngouambe Nestor

    Ngouambe Nestor


    Good Hotel well located in the city center of Garoua in the north of Cameroon. Secure and quiet, good value for money, high-speed WiFi. The restaurant offers a variety of meals. Meeting rooms in the annex can accommodate ceremonies of more than 500 people. The staff remains professional, air-conditioned rooms with balconies are recommended.

  • Judith Tono

    Judith Tono


    It's clean but it's a shame there's no parking

  • Aurele Kamwa

    Aurele Kamwa


    Quality hotel with fairly professional staff which is not common in the city. Quality and distinguished clientele linked to the quality of service and premises which are top notch.

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