Jardin Des Princes de Dschang

CamerounJardin Des Princes



🕗 horaire

C3W4+9PM, Dschang, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4459744, Longitude: 10.0568056

commentaires 5

  • Pauda Ines

    Pauda Ines


    Just wonderful

  • Daniel Messiveng

    Daniel Messiveng



  • Watson Wat

    Watson Wat


    Friendly space especially in value for money

  • Loïc Melachio Tsayem

    Loïc Melachio Tsayem


  • TOMBE Franklin

    TOMBE Franklin


    After my visit to this magnificent restaurant, I can assure you that I stayed there...Not because it is the fanciest restaurant in the city but because it is inexpensive, well located, with a staff welcoming for a delicious dish...I won't tell you more, stop by and tell them that you come from Conteur Content or TOMBE, and you will also have a reduction. Here is a list of the menu: - Cuckoo corn with Ndolè sauce - (Cameroonian dish) - Wata fufu and eru (Cameroonian dish) - Rice with tomato sauce - spaghetti stir-fry - sautéed apple - rawness -...

Restaurant la plus proche

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