Le Debarcadère i Kribi

CamerounLe Debarcadère



🕗 åbningstider

WWP4+XH5, Kribi, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 99 94 96 87
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Latitude: 2.9373826, Longitude: 9.9064861

kommentar 5

  • Jean Chegayama

    Jean Chegayama


    Best place to eat fresh sea food. Be sure to pass at the Juliette and Antoine fish stand, they’ll cook your shrimp, fish and crab to perfection

  • Scott Peng

    Scott Peng


    Here are fish market, have many different fish to selling, At first you should choose and buy what fish you need it, here are fish price 1000~6000f, depends the fish size; then there are lot of cookies will ask cooking the fish for you, but still need pay the money 2000~5000f to cookies;

  • Amine El Helou

    Amine El Helou


    Not recommended if you're a mysophob or anywhere close to that. It's basically a local market where you can buy fresh fish next to a series of huts with tables and chairs that serve only grilled fish and drinks. I did not have the courage to order a meal, but I took a beer and it was fine not really cold. I also bought a fresh fish back home. For the prices it depends on how good you are at negotiations. so GOOD LUCK!

  • Ashley Underwood

    Ashley Underwood


    Really, really, really good fresh fish! I am not sure what the green sauce that accompanies it is called but it is the most perfect compliment to the tasty grilled fish. It was my first time at a market like this where you pick the fish and then it is cooked for you. It's Amazing and a must for any tourists, especially western tourists visiting Kribi.

  • mohammed bol alima

    mohammed bol alima


    Very expensive for what you get. Maybe a different cook would have been better but ours took s long time. The fish was good though.

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