Le Moulin de France de Yaoundé

CamerounLe Moulin de France



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VG69+XRF, Yaoundé, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 2 42 01 58 90
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.862443, Longitude: 11.5195599

commentaires 5

  • Vernon Edwards. Newport. Wales.

    Vernon Edwards. Newport. Wales.


    Wonderful place, ideal lunch. Beautiful Bread made on the premises. We'll worth a visit.

  • Matthew James Montgomery

    Matthew James Montgomery


    The bakery is good and they make nice pastries. Prices are similar to France. They have good vegetarian pizzas for take away.

  • Samantha Achidi

    Samantha Achidi


    This concerns only the restaurant the cafe provides satisfactory services. Food is average and poor in presentation, but for the standards set in our country one would be pretty content albeit their Carbonara is quite heavy. The food also became cold under a matter of under 10 minutes and while we asked to get it reheated, we had to deal with 2 separate waitresses who were insistent on the fact that it would take 30-45 minutes to reheat our food because they had take-out deliveries and inside orders. We were all around treated like garbage because we were not their clientele demographic ( in our 20s), they walked passed us several times, gaves us dirty looks and all around disregarded our requests answering us like we were annoying them in their place of work. Finally got ready to leave and we asked for our leftovers to be wrapped up, mind you 2 of us ordered the same dish, now when we got the leftovers it was a ball of tin foil with both our Carbonaras in it. We spent another 15 minutes in disbelief with this waitress arguing over the fact that she mixed both our leftovers and had the nerve to wrap it in tinfoil because their place of business didn’t give out takeout containers, since apparently we’re just a group of infant imbeciles.... an esteemed establishment like this one didn’t have takeout boxes? I wonder in what plastic bag all those deliveries were being expedited to. I don’t know if she was new or something but she added insult to injury by trying to cover up for herself by claiming that the manager wasn’t around that day and also didn’t have a working telephone line after I politely asked to speak to a higher up. So you can tell the information and suggestions are definitely being tallied up to hierarchy. She wanted to separate our food after mixing it, talking about “ I just put it on top” because that would definitely fix the issue right? Repeating the most insincere apology with the utmost disdain, knowing i just paid for my food and that she had much better things to do than to argue with children over some Carbonara. I can say the amount of questions I have don’t even start at this paragraph and yet i will have to live on knowing I was disrespected and cheapened over a plate of cold, as salty as I am, pasta. Hire staff that is competent enough to respect and serve your clientele please.

  • Tse Ernest Chi

    Tse Ernest Chi


    Very cozy and quiet environment with seating upstairs and a bakery downstairs. The food tastes great and is a lil expensive.

  • Nadine Tchepannou

    Nadine Tchepannou


    Pricey but these is real French bakery. The restaurant on the second floor is nice too. Bathroom is clean and free wifi.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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