Le Privilège i Yaoundé

CamerounLe Privilège



🕗 åbningstider

+237, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 99 01 41 79
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.7764827, Longitude: 11.5304722

kommentar 5

  • manjong kelvin

    manjong kelvin


    Great place, huge parking. very accessible




    the place is too crowded. service is very slow you have to wait long before accessing to some attraction. they need to review the security my daughter get injured because of improper handling of the material by the monitor.

  • Chapsy Herself

    Chapsy Herself


    It's a good place to spend time with the entire family. (it's mostly entertaining for kids, teenagers and young adults) You can find a section with a good selection of wines and whisky. A "family area" where you can have some roasted meat or chicken (which are sold on site) while having a drink with your kids. They sell good ice cream, sweets, popcorn and pancakes. Their shawarma is good too. So they have a bouncy house, a big slide, a small slide, trampoline, bungee trampoline, kid's swings, kid's ATVs etc We Went there with our kids and they had fun. It rained a little and so our activities were interrupted. I didn't really get a chance to take scenic pictures. I was busy running after the kids 🤦🏾‍♀️ They have moderate prices though (not very expensive)

  • Moto Eric

    Moto Eric


    Very spacious, good services, large parking and well situated.

  • Yvan Zolo

    Yvan Zolo


    If you are a fan of cleanliness, professionalism, beauty, elegance, then this is the place to visit. With it's diversified services Le Privilège is not only a great idea but is also an outstanding institution in their domain. Though prices might be a bit high for the average consumer it is a great place to visit. If you have time visit and you will be amazed.

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