Maison Blanche Biyem-assi i Yaoundé

CamerounMaison Blanche Biyem-assi



🕗 åbningstider

RFRJ+P72, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 93 87 89 70
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Latitude: 3.8417571, Longitude: 11.4806252

kommentar 5

  • Ruth Coleman

    Ruth Coleman


    Quiet clean area

  • Ngu Ralph Taboh

    Ngu Ralph Taboh


    Maison Blanche Biyem - assi is a residential area with high personalities. It is usually very calm, with no beer parlors around as well as no restaurant around. It has a primary school within it called " excellence Academy Nursery and Primary school ". Its a good school with high ratings. Maison Blanche Biyem - assi was named after this white building, which happens to be one of the first in the area. Maison Blanche Biyem-assi is written on the wall of this building.

  • Francis Nliba

    Francis Nliba


    One of the beautiful quarters of Yaoundé. Nice neighbour appeal. Although the very house that gave its name to this neighborhood is not so beautiful. Just imposing and impressive. White as its name indicates




    Reference point when boarding a taxi to TKC and Mendong. One of the earliest good buildings in the area that was painted white

  • S George

    S George


    Just a clean and well organized environment. Wish other quarters and individuals of Yaounde could copy the example of White House Biyem Assi... Always clean and neat

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