RoseVilla Hostel de Bambili

CamerounRoseVilla Hostel


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🕗 horaire

266X+X87, Bambili, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 6.0124238, Longitude: 10.2483083

commentaires 5

  • Akongnui Rogers

    Akongnui Rogers


    It's a very beautiful place to worship There you see God manifestation

  • Brian Yuh

    Brian Yuh


    Cool and quiet office with no free wifi. Friendly personnel. As of now March 2023, their network service covers only a part of Bamenda town. Where network is available internet connection is awesome, and vice versa. It's pretty cool tho not available in every location

  • Nfuh Anderson

    Nfuh Anderson


    Just passed by but it has a good structure

  • Rash Paker

    Rash Paker


    Calm endroit, though a little bit far from the University the disadvantage is compensated for by the hostels glamour, comfort and serenity. Modern pretty rooms and a total student friendly environment.

  • Beryl Nora

    Beryl Nora


    It's a cite here in Bambili with almost 300 rooms for students... It's having a good viewing site... Been there just once.. But it's good,, very clean and welcoming.

Lodging la plus proche

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