Saffana Hotel de Douala

CamerounSaffana Hotel



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
12274, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 59 31 00 34
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0161405, Longitude: 9.7274952

commentaires 5

  • chiumoun steve

    chiumoun steve


    The area is well located secured and the service is impeccable and everything is on time food drinks room service, these guys are good

  • Awah Blessing

    Awah Blessing


    Free open buffet breakfast and great air-conditioning and water. Also hotel services like pick and drop offs are great

  • Godlove Jomboh

    Godlove Jomboh


    There is a good restaurant, security is garantie, rooms are very large, they have electronic doors. Good toilets,rest rooms. The receptionists are very nice and understandable.i love this place. There is all what you need there. When you entered there, there is no need going out to get something because you can get it there.

  • Desola



    The reception from the workers was very warm. This is affordable and ideal for a short stay, not so advisable for long stay. There is a book to pick up free from the airport plus a good WiFi which you have to reconnect once you leave the reception and hot water. The exterior is kinda boring and bland. Some of the interior needs to be upgraded too and rooms need some diffusers to smell nice. Overall they have lovely people working at the hotel.

  • Cilia N.

    Cilia N.


    It's affordable. The structure is average looking with tiles. The hotel can be accessed directly from the reception and it has a great parking area. The reception is not so well decorated. It's comprised of a sitting area with mirrors all over the walls and there's a receptionist desk. The receptionists are friendly. There's a corridor that leads to the stairs then the rooms. The rooms are really archaic designed. From the floor tiles which are already faded. Then the rusty and peeling looking table. The walls are also peeling off. Then there's the window. In this hotel you can't open the window because it's just one window without mosquito net. Then it's has a leather window blind which is really difficult to pull back. This makes the room dark and stuffy. There's also no closet. Just a place with hangers where you can hang some of your clothes. The bathroom also needs renovation. It's quite small and the shower head and towel hanger are quite rusty. The rooms and corridor equally have a smell. The hotel really needs renovation. One good thing about this place is it's close proximity to the airport and the airport shuffle which is always on time. Overall it's a simple hotel for business trips and not a getaway.

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