Santa Lucia, Mvan i Yaoundé

CamerounSanta Lucia, Mvan



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N2, Yaoundé, Mfoundi, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 65 26 30 74
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.8252393, Longitude: 11.5171246

kommentar 5

  • joel doko

    joel doko


    It is a very nice supermarket but the road to go there it is always crowded.

  • Robinson Tabe

    Robinson Tabe


    One of the biggest Supermarkets in the area . You can get all the necessities but the neighborhood isn’t very safe so be careful when visiting

  • Cameron Hamm

    Cameron Hamm


    Very limited parking, medium sized supermarket near bus companies and often very full with traffic. Bakery.

  • Nfomeneh Luis Tita

    Nfomeneh Luis Tita


    Situated at mvan junction its attract many people around the niegborhood either coming far and near.its really situated in strategic area because of the agency's found this place so it attracts more visitors and travellers more so they is a high demand of goods and services here it deals with foodstuffs housings appliances soft and strong drinks for refreshments

  • Tse Ernest Chi

    Tse Ernest Chi


    Good supermarket located close to the bus travel agencies. Great variety of products to shop from at correct prices

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