Sekem Hotel de Bafoussam

CamerounSekem Hotel


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🕗 horaire

Unnamed Road 2, Bafoussam, Mifi, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4778485, Longitude: 10.4387892

commentaires 5

  • Marc Stephan Nkouly (McStean)

    Marc Stephan Nkouly (McStean)


    I really appreciate the environment. Is calm and located bon a non busy Street. Not to talk of their snack that can give opprtunity to foreigners to get in touch with locals.

  • IVO Tatah

    IVO Tatah


    Was nice to be there due to all the comfort I got there . The freshness was too much

  • Tamfuh Terence

    Tamfuh Terence


    Very accessible, well chair entrance, beside a tarred road

  • Abongwa Fozo

    Abongwa Fozo


    Basic standard, services average but very quite enviroment

  • Tina Agbor

    Tina Agbor


    wonderful place. great cultural design. Amazing staff. feels like home

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