SGBC Bank & ATM i Yaoundé

CamerounSGBC Bank & ATM



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VG6C+VFM, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 33 50 18 18
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Latitude: 3.8622118, Longitude: 11.5211648

kommentar 5

  • valantin sima

    valantin sima


    The staff are welcoming, the agency is very well located, always crowded, the agency manager is hard-working as well as these accolites

  • florent etoundi

    florent etoundi


    Service too slow… Not very respectful of “small customers”. There I realized that the service does not depend on the order of arrival but on the thickness of the account. If you're not IMPORTANT, you can spend a whole day there. Damage !!!

  • Ali Salam

    Ali Salam


    The service is of superior professional quality, the employees are friendly. THANKS

  • Daniel gervais TCHAMBA

    Daniel gervais TCHAMBA


    One of the first Classic Banks created in Cameroon, the General Management located in Yaoundé Hypodrome, with many Agencies in the city of Yaoundé and other cities in the country. It has a good professional reputation in banking matters on the market. ..

  • Samgwa’A Kette

    Samgwa’A Kette


    Great customer service

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