Supermarché Lowe de Yaoundé

CamerounSupermarché Lowe


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🕗 horaire

RFHH+FR5, Yaoundé, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.8286347, Longitude: 11.4796108

commentaires 1

  • Hervé Shurley

    Hervé Shurley


    Well located supermarket, right in the crossroads of youth. It has several fairly well-stocked departments despite the rather high prices compared to other neighboring brands. The bread seems to be of good quality, given the crowds and the queue. However, I was a little disappointed because of the lack of change, several customers had to abandon their purchases for this reason and the cashier remained unmoved... We recommend 3/10

Supermarché la plus proche

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