Adrien Beach Hotel de Kribi

CamerounAdrien Beach Hotel


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WW42+9M5 Plage de, Kribi, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 77 39 42 74
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9058818, Longitude: 9.9017286

commentaires 5

  • Dimitri YZ

    Dimitri YZ


    I didn't visit the host but the beach, magnificent 🤩 especially at sunset, I actually took some beautiful photos there The sand is clean, it's clear that it's a well-maintained beach, well done to the staff who are in charge...

  • Emmanuel Itor

    Emmanuel Itor



  • Sylvain Sobdibe

    Sylvain Sobdibe


    Very good location, but the problem remains the quality of the rooms, the finish is poor, no suitable pantry in the rooms, but rather in the toilets. For rooms of 15,000 f please review the arrangement of toilets open to the rooms, high health risk

  • Marius Decroly

    Marius Decroly



  • Pascal Le

    Pascal Le


    wedding beach party was lit

Lodging la plus proche

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