Domino Marché - Ndogbong de Douala

CamerounDomino Marché - Ndogbong


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3P2X+747, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0506728, Longitude: 9.7478031

commentaires 5

  • Runielle NGUEGUIM

    Runielle NGUEGUIM


    Quite nice as a convenience store. Prices are good.

  • Nkepwa Ngonga Beauclaire

    Nkepwa Ngonga Beauclaire


    Fast and precise.

  • Charly Ngoule

    Charly Ngoule


    Still less expensive....but with the same policy as the others...never coins with the candies in front of the cash register to force customers to buy some....really a shame not to notice the difference at this level too

  • Christo TALAWA

    Christo TALAWA


    Really cheap supermarket, good product at better prices!!!

  • ABDOUL FATAHI Zoulkifli Salle

    ABDOUL FATAHI Zoulkifli Salle


    Ä°t's one of the smallest Domino markets I've visited so far, but they keep the same standards of services as the others. Their POS terminal was faulty when I last visited, so it's advisable to always hold some cash when visiting for shopping.

Supermarché la plus proche

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