Domino Marché - Ndogbong i Douala

CamerounDomino Marché - Ndogbong


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3P2X+747, Douala, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 4.0506728, Longitude: 9.7478031

kommentar 5

  • Runielle NGUEGUIM

    Runielle NGUEGUIM


    Quite nice as a convenience store. Prices are good.

  • Nkepwa Ngonga Beauclaire

    Nkepwa Ngonga Beauclaire


    Fast and precise.

  • Charly Ngoule

    Charly Ngoule


    Still less expensive....but with the same policy as the others...never coins with the candies in front of the cash register to force customers to buy some....really a shame not to notice the difference at this level too

  • Christo TALAWA

    Christo TALAWA


    Really cheap supermarket, good product at better prices!!!

  • ABDOUL FATAHI Zoulkifli Salle

    ABDOUL FATAHI Zoulkifli Salle


    İt's one of the smallest Domino markets I've visited so far, but they keep the same standards of services as the others. Their POS terminal was faulty when I last visited, so it's advisable to always hold some cash when visiting for shopping.

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