Complexe Santa Lucia Douala i Douala

CamerounComplexe Santa Lucia Douala



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Santa Lucia, cité CICAM, 3P2Q+H3V, Douala, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 90 03 14 92
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.051494, Longitude: 9.737673

kommentar 5

  • Chikeranwa Uzoegbu

    Chikeranwa Uzoegbu


    Awesome place, to get good things around and busy as well.

  • Bodas Djoumessi

    Bodas Djoumessi


    The service is good and really classic, you're not coerced to buy something just because it's a supermarket or at least a mini one like you'll see elsewhere. You can freely move explore and ask your questions to be better informed about the products and where to find them. And with moderate prices for a high class shop. Location: It's easily reachable as it is located not far from the business square of Ndokoti and the University of Douala. There's good parking space and bikes readily waiting outside to get to you home. So you won't have to stress yourself in trying to carry your groceries. Products: You'll find a great variety of products and services (particularly culinary services) ranging from body care products to fresh vegetables and fruits through African cuisine spices, toilet and washing supplies, electronic appliances etc. There's a bakery with diverse delicacies. After Purchase Control: I personally found the strict after purchase control a little bit of strange experience. You pay for your purchase then you take your receipt out to someone who will cross check the content of the bag to the list on receipt. This is surely to combat theft, an added line of security to the existing security cameras and agents. However it was good though it can be a little embarrassing for someone who isn't expecting it and may have bought some very "personal items". The check happens outside just by the entrance door and relax your items don't leave your plastic bag (lol) so only the agent checking will see. Food: if you feel hunger while shopping, relax they got you got your covered with a bakery and a barbecue area for meat lovers. I liked the place, its grandeur is fitting for all to visit even just for eye shopping lol. You can develop your attitude by walking in places like coz your mind is pushed beyond its limits. Four (4) stars because I like the place and was satisfied with the service. I only had a challenge finding my way cuz there are not labels on the sections where you can each category of product. It's bad if you're in a hurry but fun if you have all the time and don't mind getting lost lol! PS: I tried taking a DISCRETE video of my tour in there, you'll get an idea of how some things happen particularly the after purchase check. And don't expect quality - this is not Hollywood 😂 Santa Lucia 🙌🏾 Thanks!

  • EuPhReNuS



    The supermarket is well organised and you can easily find what you are looking for.

  • Benjamin Adefila

    Benjamin Adefila


    Nice shopping mall get everything from house hold, kitchens utensils, drinks, toys and many more. With good price.

  • Lily Asongfac

    Lily Asongfac


    You should try the ice-cream here, it's so nice. This place is accessible and has great customer services. It's a supermarket, so you can find a lot here. Visited during the valentine season, so there were cool gift bags and baskets for sale, so you could pass by during any festive period and be sure to get gifts for the occasion.

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