Hôtel de L'air de Douala

CamerounHôtel de L'air


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Avenue de L'Indépendance, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 47 15 99
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0195597, Longitude: 9.7013965

commentaires 5

  • Danielle Fabiolah

    Danielle Fabiolah


    Currently under renovation… I hope it looks much better after that

  • Fab Kamte

    Fab Kamte


    Busy area, however very quick to access from central town

  • Cho Harlson

    Cho Harlson


    Its okay. Just a normal hotel no luxury. Just simple

  • loveth success

    loveth success


    This place used to be great, but then there've been no improvements ever since. Just standing by, you can't even think you're in front of a hotel.

  • Tabot Kevin

    Tabot Kevin


    Its a very old hotel and it has been existing for ever and its not modern any more, just that the name is still very famous.

Lodging la plus proche

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