La terrasse de l’océan de Kribi

CamerounLa terrasse de l’océan


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P8, Kribi, Ocean, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 97 24 34
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9295338, Longitude: 9.9027839

commentaires 5

  • mywilfried 1

    mywilfried 1


    Good environment beside the beach and nice meal ( fish, chicken ) done on BBQ. I'm rating just three stars because of the food delivery time that was longer at the beginning

  • Jule S

    Jule S


    Great fish restaurant, not too fancy but good quality. We could choose our fish right at the entrance. Paid 3.000 FCFA per fish.

  • Nick Laletin

    Nick Laletin


    Great food, views (perched above the beach) but very very slow service and cooking time. Prawns are actually freshwater yabbies. Lively, animated, crowded. Choice of fish, chicken and prawns-all cooked on BBQ.

  • Atim Evenye

    Atim Evenye


    Excellent grilled chicken

  • Odette Mih Njua

    Odette Mih Njua


    The food is exceptional; best shrimps I've had so far

Restaurant la plus proche

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