Planet Hotel de Douala

CamerounPlanet Hotel


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Rue Mermoz, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
contact téléphone: +971 55 253 0245
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0530833, Longitude: 9.6950842

commentaires 5

  • Amine El Helou

    Amine El Helou


    Recommended Welcoming reception Lovely staff Fast service Secure parking available Easy location in Douala Akwa almost close to everything if you're on a business trip Rooms are clean calm, and free of mosquitos Prices are a little high compared to the service offered and the size of their rooms Mini frigde is not available in their standard rooms but available in the VIP rooms. Actually they renovated the hotel recently to match with the new hotel experience, and to improve their service. All in all it was a good night sleep, and a confortable stay for my second time there.

  • Nyoh Kevin Ami

    Nyoh Kevin Ami


    A perfect home for an enjoyable holiday, or weekend with your family... 💗🍷

  • S George

    S George


    The rooms are good , comfortable, clean, neat ... service is good...guarded Parking space for customers .. Restaurant always ready to serve food. buffet available at affordable prices. You can order drinks to your rooms. Easy to access from Airport and from within Douala town ...

  • Kevin Butler

    Kevin Butler


    Very nice casual hotel. The rooms are good and the bar is too. The food I had was OK but people I was with said theirs was very good. So maybe they can be a bit hit and miss with the food. Overall I would say it is very good. A lot of Expats stay here too. The service in the bar is good, very attentive.

  • Harris Axer

    Harris Axer


    It is very tough to carefully judge a place in a developing country (let alone one struggling at it) and not think it as unfair as they are trying the best they can. The room was clean but the choice of furniture did not help with cleanliness. The food was obviously local and invariably tasty. The staff was polite and helpful. The price was a little sour. Overall, a three stars hotel that punched on par with its rank.

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