Restaurant La Miséricorde de Bafoussam

CamerounRestaurant La Miséricorde



🕗 horaire

Kamkop palace, Bafoussam, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 58 04 93 40
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 5.4981988, Longitude: 10.3889615

commentaires 5

  • Boris Tatsing

    Boris Tatsing


    The meal was going well 😊

  • Sporal Mbanwie

    Sporal Mbanwie


    The place is cool, clean with good music. Good service and my pizza 🍕 was delicious. The price is fair enough. Y'all come and enjoy.

  • Kent Shot It

    Kent Shot It


    Clean, beautifully place to eat out, service was very good as the waiters are very attentive and ready to help, the food available is great although the pizza more variety, I'll say locating the place is a bit of a hassle but it is a great place to be.

  • Cyrille Ngolle

    Cyrille Ngolle



  • audrey essengue

    audrey essengue


    Clean restaurant, discreet and sheltered from noise, welcoming staff and always attentive. The food is well done and there is also pizza. In short, I really liked it. Take a look and you won't be disappointed.🥰

Restaurant la plus proche

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