BICEC de Buea




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564J+3Q8, Buea, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 2 33 32 33 65
site web:
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Latitude: 4.1551636, Longitude: 9.2319502

commentaires 5

  • kathia andine

    kathia andine


    Loved it

  • desmond george

    desmond george


    It has a good parking space but transaction take too long and the worst part in all this is that the is not place for people to sit out side or relax. To have something to eat is not easy around.

  • Shechina



    First bank in Buea and one of Cameroon's oldest financial institutions. Efficient service, very polite staff, quiet and calm location.

  • Yvan Zolo

    Yvan Zolo


    I think it is a Trade mark of Cameroon banks, they offer good banking services as well as money transfers to the community, with professional workers. Also due to it's accessibility and availability, reliability, efficiency i will say it is a good bank. Though their interest rate might not be a perfect. It helps the community with a wide variety of services as well as offer internship possibilities to youths which i always look for when visiting a company. Good job

  • Asong



    Great bank but very slow services. Sometimes overcrowded and clients could end up spending 3hours for a simple cash in or out transaction

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