Céleste Hôtel de Garoua

CamerounCéleste Hôtel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Unnamed Road, Garoua, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 56 45 09 09
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 9.3141223, Longitude: 13.3776908

commentaires 5

  • Njolav Micheal

    Njolav Micheal


    Very clean and confortable

  • Kughong Reuben

    Kughong Reuben


    The surrounding area is so nice and quiet. Good for people who like to be discreet in town out of the noise of the city

  • Bashir Abba (bash550)

    Bashir Abba (bash550)


    The old section was OK. The AC stopped working on my second day and staff were slow to rectify the problem.

  • ahmadou Pitoa

    ahmadou Pitoa


    Good price

  • Nageswar Rao Arranagula

    Nageswar Rao Arranagula


    So good hotel ,nice persons in the hotel

Lodging la plus proche

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