Dovv Simbock i Yaoundé

CamerounDovv Simbock



🕗 åbningstider

RFCC+VQR, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 91 09 09 78
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.8225476, Longitude: 11.4720496

kommentar 5

  • Namukong Muma Cosmos

    Namukong Muma Cosmos


    It's as great as all the Dovvs around town

  • shey general

    shey general


    Good products, affordable prices but the horror of traffic along that stretch where it's found is discouraging.

  • Asaahndia Beltus

    Asaahndia Beltus


    Am a traveler, tourists and a business man. My business is more about discovering new sites, meeting new faces and beautiful places

  • Dibena Jeanne

    Dibena Jeanne


    Less traffic to reach on Saturday

  • Meghele Adam Nitifeyin

    Meghele Adam Nitifeyin


    Best place to immediately pick-up whatever you want without having to stress. Also known for high quality product, you can be sure of what buy and consume. One thing I hate and have experience it with them, is unavailability of certain items at a moment when you greatly need them

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