NIKI Biyem-Assi i Yaoundé

CamerounNIKI Biyem-Assi



🕗 åbningstider

Avant Rond Pt Express, B.P 7868, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 22 31 62 39
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.837659, Longitude: 11.4858153

kommentar 5

  • Martina Nyuykighan Bame

    Martina Nyuykighan Bame


    Most products are very affordable in this place compared to other supermarkets.

  • Kenkoh Eugine Nai

    Kenkoh Eugine Nai


    Besides the road, good access but parking may be challenging.

  • hannahmambo nkeh

    hannahmambo nkeh


    Variety of wines available, good services. Should try to beautify the structure. Looks old from the outside though inside is good

  • Theophile



    This is one of the largest stores in the nation, with a large variety of products offered. You can buy most of house utensils from Niki, as well as construction materials. There is accessible parking space, agents to help you through out your purchase process. They're doing well in the industry.

  • Chapsy Herself

    Chapsy Herself


    Each time i go shopping here they have to remove at least 1 item at the counter, (usually something i really need) with the reason being that it hasn't been entered in the machine... The machine says that item is out of stock... Patati patata 🤦🏾‍♀️ It's frustrating. They have good prices though.

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